121 Adolescent Training
60 mins - £60
“Teen-hood” is a tumultuous time! The adolescent brain is still developing. The more challenging behaviour often arises during this age because Adolescents are generally more sensitive than puppies. It can feel out of control and unsafe.
We offer 121 sessions to put your mind at rest and help you navigate this sensitive phase of parenting your teen dog.
1-2-1 session will give you more insight into why your dogs behaviour maybe changing, how to support your sensitive teen through to adulthood, as well as covering all the important areas such as; Is your “teen” is getting enough sleep the right diet and appropriate activities to feed their “teen- dog” brains and bodies?
121 sessions are tailored to your needs, whether it’s improving your lead work, getting more reliable recall or helping setting around guests in the home, we can help with all your adolescent needs.
We have safe, secure, enriching training venue with training barn and secure field to practice the practical skills and strengthen confidence and relationships. We also do session out in the real world so you can practice with guided support in real-time.